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Neuro-Oftalmologi merupakan masalah penglihatan yang terkait dengan sistem saraf pada mata. Gangguan penglihatan dapat disebabkan oleh gangguan saraf optik, sistem saraf pusat (otak dan tulang belakang), pergerakan bola mata dan kelainan pada pupil mata.

Saraf optik menghubungkan mata ke otak. Saraf optik seperti kabel listrik yang membawakan informasi penglihatan dari mata ke otak untuk diproses. Gangguan pada saraf optik mencakup:

  • Gangguan pergerakan mata
  • Pasokan darah tidak memadai (Iskemia)
  • Peradangan
  • Cedera/trauma
  • Peningkatan tekanan dalam otak
  • Peningkatan tekanan dalam mata (Glaukoma)
  • Kompresi

Causes of Vision Nerve Disorders

The causes of visual disturbances depend on the type:

  • Compression can be caused by a tumor
  • Inadequate blood supply can be caused by Hypertension, Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia or smoking
  • Inflammation is often associated with diseases that affect other parts of the body, such as connective tissue disease and multiple sclerosis

Symptoms of Eye Nerve Disorders

Symptoms of Sight Disorders depend on the type:

  • Compression caused by tumor — Gradually loss of vision without pain
  • Eye movement disorders — Double vision, blurred vision, unstable vision, dizziness, gait, and weakness
  • Inadequate blood supply (Ischemia) to the optic nerve — Rapid loss of vision that is usually painless
  • Inflammation
  • Injury/trauma
  • Increased pressure in the brain — Headache with nausea or vomiting, temporary loss of vision, or nerve disturbances in other parts of your body (weakness or loss of balance)

The most common symptoms of the Nervous Vision disorder include loss of vision, or visual disturbances, double vision, unequal pupils, and convulsions of the eyelids and face.

Our Care Team

Head Of Service

Dr. Alia Arianti, SpM

Cataract , Medical Retina , Neuro-Ophthalmology
Dr. Alia Arianti, SpM
Dr. Alia Arianti, SpM
Cataract , Medical Retina , Neuro-Ophthalmology
Member of Services

DR. Dr. Batari Todja Umar, SpM(K)

Cataract , Neuro-Ophthalmology
DR. Dr. Batari Todja Umar, SpM(K)
DR. Dr. Batari Todja Umar, SpM(K)
Cataract , Neuro-Ophthalmology

DR. Dr. Yunita, SpM(K), M.Kes

Cataract , LASIK , Neuro-Ophthalmology
DR. Dr. Yunita, SpM(K), M.Kes
DR. Dr. Yunita, SpM(K), M.Kes
Cataract , LASIK , Neuro-Ophthalmology

Dr. Riski Prihatningtias, SpM(K)

Cataract , Neuro-Ophthalmology
Dr. Riski Prihatningtias, SpM(K)
Dr. Riski Prihatningtias, SpM(K)
Cataract , Neuro-Ophthalmology

Dr. I Ketut Aryawan, SpM

Neuro-Ophthalmology , Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Dr. I Ketut Aryawan, SpM
Dr. I Ketut Aryawan, SpM
Neuro-Ophthalmology , Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Dr. Valenchia, SpM, ChM

Cataract , LASIK , Medical Retina , Neuro-Ophthalmology
Dr. Valenchia, SpM, ChM
Dr. Valenchia, SpM, ChM
Cataract , LASIK , Medical Retina , Neuro-Ophthalmology