DR. Dr. Batari Todja Umar, SpM(K)
- Cataract
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- JEC Orbita @ Makassar
- RS Mata JEC Orbita @ Makassar
- Pendidikan Dokter Umum Universitas Hasanuddin 1989
- Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Mata tahun Universitas Hasanuddin 2000
- Doctoral Programme Universitas Hasanuddin 2005
- Konsultan Neuroophthalmology 2014
- Member of Indonesian Medical Association, Makassar, South Sulawesi
- Member of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association, Makassar, South Sulawesi
- Fourth Winner of resident paper contest observasional 2004
Publications and Research
- Identification of the DNA Mycobacterium leprae on the aqueous humor of leprosy patients with PCR in Ophthalmologica Indonesiana. 31(2), 2004, 117-121
- Oral Corticosteroid For Bilateral Anterior Optic Neuritis, Presented at 32nd Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2006, Medan, Indonesia
- Grave's Ophthalmology in Pregnancy in Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 37(1), 2010, 37-41
- Computerized Perimetry, Paper presented at 35th Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2010, Semarang, Indonesia
- The Relationship Between Glycosaminoglicans Unine Level With Ocular Manifestation in Grave's Ophthalmology Patients. Hasanuddin University e-Journal, Published in 2011-10-20
- Skew Deviation, Paper presented at 36th Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2011, Manado, Indonesia
- Transient Visual Loss, Paper presented at 37th Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2012, Surabaya, Indonesia
- CTLA-4 gene and IL-10 gene as Risk Factor of Graves' Ophthalmopathy, Presented at 27th Asia Pasific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress, 2012, Busan, Korea
- Cerebral Visual Impairment, Paper presented in Paediatric Ophthalmology Symposium, 2013, Makassar, Indonesia
- Intraocular Preassure in Overweight, Hasanuddin University e-Journal, Published in 2014-01-28
- Toxic Optic Neuropathy After Ethambuthol Treatment in Tuberculosis Patients In Makassar, Hasanuddin University e-Journal, Published in 2014-10-24
- Transient Visual Loss Work Up, Paper presented at 39th Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2014, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
- Early Ocular Manifestation In Head Injury. Hasanuddin University e- Journal, Published in 2015-01-20
- Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, Paper presented at 40th Indonesian Ophthalmology Association Annual Meeting, 2015, Bandung, Indonesia Pupil Cycle Time in Household Contacts With Leprosy Patients in
- Ophthalmologica Indonesiana. 41(2), 2015, 194-199 See-saw Nystagmus in Chiari Malformation Type I in Cermin Dunia Kedokteran. 42(8), 2015, 601-603
- Abducens nerve palsy in patients with metastatic carcinoma. Journal of Case Reports and images in Ophthalmology, Vol. 1, 2018
- Bilateral abducens nerve palsy with papilledema following electrical injury: A case report. Journal of Case Reports and Images in Ophthalmology, Vol. 1, 2018
- Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity outcomes based on photoreceptor layer after retinal reattachment surgery. Edorium Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 2, 2019
- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia with Ipsilateral Abduction Deficit : Half and Half Syndrome. Ophthalmol Ina, 2020;46(1):29-33