5 Natural Ways to Reduce Myopia: Tips and Tricks to Protect Your Vision

  01 Dec 2022



Although myopia cannot be cured naturally, there are some actions that you can take to slow down the increase of myopia in your eyes. The natural way of reducing myopia can be done by living a healthy lifestyle and doing positive activities, including relaxing the eyes so that the eye muscles do not become tense.

It's important to note that myopia cannot be cured by exercise, herbal remedies, or massage. The proper treatment must be done medically.

How to Naturally Reduce Myopia? If viewed from a medical perspective, the proper way to cure myopia is by undergoing LASIK surgery. But there are several actions that you can take to maintain eye health:

Relaxing the Eyes The first thing to do is to relax the eyes. You can do this by taking a break from using your eyes. You can use the 20-20-20 rule, which is by looking at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. The 20-foot distance is equivalent to 6 meters away from your eyes.

Consuming Nutritious Food Next, consume nutritious food such as fruits that contain vitamin A. Examples include cod liver oil, carrots, salmon, tomatoes, beef liver, and sweet potatoes. In addition, there are six other nutrients that can maintain eye health, namely omega 3, vitamin A, vitamin C, Lutein, Zinc, and vitamin E.

Doing Eye Exercises The next step is to do eye exercises to stimulate the muscles in the eyes. Sit in a comfortable position, blink your eyes 10 times quickly, then close your eyes for 20 seconds. Repeat the eye exercises 5 to 10 times if your eyes feel tired.

Avoiding Excessive Screen Time It's also important to avoid looking at screens for too long or excessively, as it makes the eyes tired. It is recommended to take a break from the screen when working on a computer.

Getting Enough Rest Equally important is getting enough rest. The best rest is sleep, so it is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep per day and avoid looking at screens before bed.
