Dr. Ni Made Oka Handayani, M.Biomed, SpM
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- KUM JEC BALI @ Denpasar
Dr. Oka Handayani completed the Ophthalmology Speciality combined degree programmed from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University-Sanglah Hospital in Bali. Previously, she studied general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma University, Surabaya. Doctor Oka Handayani joined JEC Bali Eye Clinic in general ophthalmology and cataract services. She is certified with training in cataract management using the phacoemulsification technique. In addition, she currently has a great interest in the development of Ophthalmology in general as well as eye cases related to the field of glaucoma. This is supported by her interest in participating in many seminars and training to always update knowledge in related fields.
- General Practitioner : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
- Specialist : Combined degree Faculty of Medicine Universitas Udayana, Bali
- Phacoemulsification at Klinik Mata Utama Gresik, East Java
- Glaucoma Management at JEC
- Member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)
- Member of IOA
Publications and Research
- Karakteristik Glaukoma Juvenil Pasca Trabekulektomi Di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar Januari 2014 – Desember 2015
- Prevalence and Characteristics of Secendary Glaucoma After Keratoplasty in JEC Eye Hospital Kedoya and Menteng
- Pengaruh Air Mata Buatan Terhadap Kepadatan Sel Goblet Konjungtiva Pada Pasien Glaukoma dengan Terapi Latanoprost