, PhD.jpg)
Prof. Dr. Budu, Ph.D., SpM(K),M.Med.Ed
- Cataract
- Vitreoretina
- KUM JEC Orbita @ Makassar
- RS Mata JEC Orbita @ Makassar
- Dokter Umum : Universitas Hasanuddin
- Dokter Spesialis Mata : Universitas Hasanuddin
- Postgraduate Student (Program Ph.D), Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- Fellowship Training in basic and surgery of Vitreoretinal diseases, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia Univ., Jakarta, 2005
- AMO PHACOEMULSIFICATION Training. AMO Academy. Jakarta, 2005
- Master in Medical Education (M.Med.Ed), Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Gajah Mada (UGM), Indonesia, 2008
- Coordinator of Medical Education and Family Planning Division, Indonesian Doctor Association (IDI), South Sulawesi
- Chairman of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (PERDAMI), South Sulawesi, 2012
- Coordinator of Academic Medical Education, Teaching Hospital, Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RSWS), 1997
- Members of National Accreditation Board (BAN-PT), Higher Education, Indonesia, 2010
- Member of The Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Heath (LAMPT-Kes), 2016
- The Chairman of Hasanuddin University Masque Association (AMKI-Unhas), 2016
- The Chairman of Indonesian School of Medicine Association (AIPKI wil 6), 2018 - now
- The Chairman of Satgas Covid-19 UNHAS, 2020 - now
- The best-postgraduated paper context, Annual Meeting of Japanese Ophthalmological Association, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan. 2001
- Award of Riset Unggulan Terpadu (RUT) ke-X, Menristek, 2003-2004.
- The second best of Ophthalmologist paper context, Indonesian Ophthalmological Association Annual Meeting-XXXII, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2007
- Award of Medical Sciences and Technology Award : 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
- Piagam Tanda Kehormatan dari Presiden RI, Satya Lecana Karya Sapta 10 tahun pengabdian, Kepres RI no. 35/TK/2010, Tanggal 10 Agustus 2010.
- Professor in Ophthalmology, Ministry of Education and Cultural, Indonesia, 2012
Publications and Research
- Tenri Esa, Budu, Arief M. Polymorphisms of Vascular Endothelial Growth factor (VEGF) gene in patients with diabetic retinopathy_DM type 2. Indonesia J. Med. Science. (accepted) 2010.
- Gaffar M, Budu, Kuhuwael FG, Yusuf I. Polymerase Chain reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP) analysis of connexin 26 (GJB2) gene in Indonesia patients with prelingual non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss: a preliminary study. Otolaryngology J. (accepted). 2009
- Tenri Esa, Budu, Harjoeno, Arief M. Polymorphisms of intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) in patients with diabetic retinopathy_DM type 2. In Press. 2008
- Syamsu, Yusuf I, Budu, Patellongi I . The effect of polymorphisms of the beta-2-adrenergic receptor on the response to beta 2-agonist in asthma patients. Ind J Int Med. 39 : 8-12. 2007.
- Syamsu, Yusuf I, Budu, Patellongi I . Polymorphisms T/C-20, the new beta-2-adrenergic receptor polymorphism and its effect on the response to beta 2-agonist in asthma patients. J. Med Nus 27 : 142-146. 2006
- Budu, Seiji HAYASAKA, Rukiah SYAWAL, Habibah S. MUHIDDIN, Irfan IDRIS,Irawan YUSUF. Peripherin/RDS Gene in Indonesian Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa: Geographic Comparison of Polymorphic Variations. Hiroshima J. Med. Sci.: 54 ; 3 : 73~76, 2005
- Budu, Hayasaka,S., Matsumoto,M., Yamada,T., Zhang,X.Y., and Hayasaka,Y. Peripherin/RDS gene mutation (Pro210Leu) and polymorphisms in Japanese patients with retinal dystrophies. Jpn.J.Ophthalmol. 45: 355-35.2001
- Yamada T, Hayasaka S, Matsumoto M, Budu, Esa T, Hayasaka Y, Endo M, Nagaki Y, Fujiki K, Murakami A, Kanai A. OPA1 gene mutations in Japanese patients with bilateral optic atrophy unassociated with mitochondrial DNA mutations at nt 11778. Jpn J Ophthalmol; 47:409-11.2003
- Yamada T, Hayasaka S, Matsumoto M, Budu, Esa T, Hayasaka Y, Endo M.Heterozygous 17-bp deletion in the forkhead transcription factor gene, FOXL2, in a Japanese family with blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome. J Hum Genet 46:733–736. 2001
- Budu, Masayuki Matsumoto, Seiji Hayasaka, Tetsuya Yamada, Yoriko Hayasaka. Rhodopsin Gene Codon 106 Mutation (Gly-to-Arg) in a Japanese Family with Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa. Jpn J of Ophthalmol: 44 (6) : 610 – 614 : 2000