Dr. Idayani Panggalo, SpM
- Cataract
- Vitreoretina
- KUM JEC Orbita @ Makassar
- Dokter Umum : Universitas Hasanuddin
- Dokter Spesialis : Universitas Hasanuddin
- Fellowship Vitreo Retina, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland
- Observership in ROP Screening and Laser Pelatihan Lase Narayana Nethralaya Hospital, Banglore, India
- Fellowship Surgical Retina, Cicendo Hospital, Bandung (current)
- Mini Fellowship surgical Vitreoretina, Cicendo Hospital
- Internal Medical dan Basic Surgical Vitreoretina Training In Hasanuddin University Hospital
- Visiting Fellow in Ophthalmology and Refraction, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland
- The best graduates of the Medical faculty spesialist Program in University of Hasanuddin, July 2018
- The best alumi of Specialist level, Hasanuddin University, September 2018
- The Top 10 best graduates of the Nasional Opthalmologist, Period 2018
Publications and Research
- Crocodile tears following congenital aberrant innervation. (Free Paper in 37th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association. Bandung, Indonesia)
- Changes In Retinal Vascular Caliber In Diabetic Retinopathy After Laser Photocoagulation ( Free Paper Persentation in Asia-Pasific Vitreo-retina Society, Seoul, South Korea)
- Retinal Vascular Caliber Changes after laser photocoagulation in diabetic retinophaty, Habibah S.Muhiddin, Idayani Panggalo, A.M.Ichsan, Budu, John Ellis, Emanuele Trucco, Medical Journal Of Indonesia.