Prof. DR. Dr. Yunia Irawati, SpM(K)
- Cataract
- Orbital Oculoplastic & Reconstructive
- Ophthalmic Trauma
- RS Mata JEC @ Menteng
- RS Mata JEC @ Kedoya
DR. Dr. Yunia Irawati, SpM(K) adalah konsultan oftalmologis senior di divisi plastik dan rekonstruksi. Beliau sudah bekerja di JEC Eye Hospitals and Clinics dan Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia – Rumah Sakit Umum Cipto Mangunkusumo (UI – RSCM) Jakarta sejak tahun 2004. Beliau menyelesaikan studi sebagai dokter umum pada tahun 1992 dan sebagai dokter spesialis mata pada tahun 2003 di Universitas Indonesia, dan menyelesaikan program studi doktor di Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan Universitas Gajah Mada pada tahun 2021. Beliau mengikuti program Observership di Moorfields Eye Hospital London dan Singapore National Eye Center pada tahun 2007. Beliau juga mengikuti program Fellowship di Seirei Hamamatsu Hospital, Jepang pada tahun 2009.
DR. Dr. Yunia Irawati, SpM(K) tidak hanya bekerja sebagai konsultan, namun juga sebagai pendidik dari mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran, Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Mata (oftalmologi), dan dokter fellow di bagian plastik dan rekonstruktif di FKUI – RSCM dan JEC Eye Hospitals and Clinics. Beliau memiliki pengalaman di bidang estetik dan rekonstruksi kelopak, socket orbital dan rekonstruksi orbital/fraktur, serta sistem ekskresi lakrimal(saluran air mata). Menjadi ahli dalam operasi katarak, beliau sering berkontribusi dalam bakti sosial operasi katarak dan LASIK. Beliau sering diundang menjadi pembicara pada acara nasional maupun internasional.
Periode ini dr. Yunia menjabat sebagai President Indonesian Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (INASOPRS); Vice President of Asia Pacific Society of Orbital and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (APSORPS); Country Representative Indonesia of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society (APOTS); Ketua Ophthalmic Trauma Service di JEC Eye Hospitals & Clinics; Kepala Divisi Plastik dan Rekonstruksi Mata FKUI-RSCM; Anggota Senat Akademik Universitas Indonesia.
Beliau secara aktif memberikan presentasi dan pelatihan berupa workshop pada acara nasional maupun internasional. Beliau menulis buku untuk pendidikan dan jurnal nasional serta internasional. Selain itu, DR. Dr. Yunia Irawati, SpM(K) memiliki kepedulian sangat besar terhadap penyakit lepra (kusta), sehingga ia menginisiasi dan memimpin sebuah tim KATAMATAKU UI bersama dengan beberapa dokter spesialis mata, Dermato Venerologi, Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi, dan juga melibatkan lintas fakultas di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia. Kegiatan ini bahkan melibatkan lintas universitas. Beliau Bersama tim nya menulis buku mengenai deteksi dini dan penatalaksanaan pada pasien disabilitas kusta untuk medis, paramedik dan kader kesehatan, juga buku cerita mengenai edukasi penyakit kusta untuk anak, serta membuat alat bantu yang dibutuhkan pada pasien kusta yang mengalami disabilitas. Sebagai seorang pendidik, beliau selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk menerapkan asas Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Tiga Pilar Perguruan Tinggi yaitu Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat).
- General Practitioner : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
- Specialist : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
- Doctor : Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
- Fellowship at Plastic Reconstruction Division, Department of Ophthalmology, Universitas Indonesia
- Ophthalmology Fellowship in Cataract Surgery and Phacoemulsification, Jakarta Eye Center & Clinics
- Observership at Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust in the Adnexal Service, London
- Observership at Singapore National Eye Hospital in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Service, Singapore
- Clinical Fellowship at Dept. of Oculoplastic and Orbital Disease at Serei Hamamatsu Hospital Japan
- President Indonesian Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (INASOPRS)
- Vice President of Asia Pacific Society of Orbital and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (APSORPS)
- Country Representative Indonesia of Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society (APOTS)
- Anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)
- Anggota Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (PERDAMI)
- Anggota Komisi Sertifikasi Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (PERDAMI) (past)
- Anggota Komisi IV Kolegium Ilmu Kesehatan Mata Indonesia (KIKMI)
- Wakil Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan PERDAMI (past)
- Ketua Departemen P2P PERDAMI Cabang DKI Jakarta (past)
- Ketua Orbital and Oculoplastic Service, JEC Eye Hospitals (past)
- Ketua Ophthalmic Trauma Service, JEC Eye Hospitals
- Kepala Divisi Plastik dan Rekonstruksi, Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, RSCM
- Pemenang Pertama Presentasi Video berjudul “LeFort II – III Fracture Repair – Multistep Approach with Satisfactory Result” di PIT PERDAMI ke 43, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. 2018
- First winner Video contest ASOT (American Society Ophthalmic Trauma). 2021
- Pemenang ke-7 sebagai co-author resident observational free paper competition, PERDAMI Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2021
- Pemenang pertama sebagai co-author pada ophthalmologist e-poster competition, PERDAMI Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2021
- Pemenang ke-5 sebagai co-author pada general practitioner e-poster competition, PERDAMI Virtual Scientific Meeting, 2022
- Tanda Kehormatan Makara Dharma Bhakti X Tahun Rektor Universitas Indonesia, 2022
- Penerima Penghargaan Bidang Riset dan Inovasi sebagai “Dosen dengan Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terbaik”, Universitas Indonesia, 2023
- Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Awards for making good contributions to The Scientific Programs of The APAO Congresses, 2023
Publications and Research
- Inadequate Management of Multiple Orbital Fractures and Traumatic Optic Neuropathy. Journal of Case Report, published online; 15 July 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2017.0066
- Challenges in managing Steven Johnson Syndrome with chronic ocular and extraocular abnormality. EyeSEA Eye South East Asia Vol 13 No 1 (2018): January - June 2018 https://tci-thaijo.org/index.php/eyesea/article/view/115442
- Management of old naso-orbital fractures with ocular involvement and associated complications caused by facial trauma. Medical Journal of Indonesia. pISSN: 0853-1773. eISSN: 2252-8083|https://doi.org/10.13181/mji.v27i1.1959|2018;27:54–61|Received 21 Apr 2017|Accepted 15 Feb 2018 http://mji.ui.ac.id/journal/index.php/mji/article/view/1959/1214.
- Successful management of bilateral periorbital necrotising fasciitis with ocular involvement. BMJ Case Reports doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-223457 Accepted 22 February 2018 Published 15 March 2018 (http://casereports.bmj.com/content/2018/bcr-2017-223457.abstract)
- Management of Adnexal Soft Tissue Deformities in Trauma. APOTS/OTSI Ophthalmic Trauma Congress July 12-15th 2018
- Reconstruction of Old Orbital Fracture: To Do or Not To Do? APOTS/OTSI Ophthalmic trauma congress July 12-15th 2018
- Challenges of managing ocular trauma in multiple facial fractures. The Medical Journal of Malaysia Vol 73 Supplement 2, August 2018 - 8th Conjoint Ophthalmology Scientific Conference in conjunction with 10th UKM Ophthalmology Symposium (http://www.e-mjm.org/2018/v73s2/epp-17-18.pdf)
- Removal of a retained wooden intraorbital foreign body using endoscopic guidance. The Medical Journal of Malaysia Vol 73 Supplement 2, August 2018 - 8th Conjoint Ophthalmology Scientific Conference in conjunction with 10th UKM Ophthalmology Symposium (http://www.e-mjm.org/2018/v73s2/pp-45-46.pdf)
- Successful removal of intraorbital metal plate and corneal intrastromal glass particle foreign bodies. The Medical Journal of Malaysia Vol 73 Supplement 2, August 2018 - 8th Conjoint Ophthalmology Scientific Conference in conjunction with 10th UKM Ophthalmology Symposium (http://www.e-mjm.org/2018/v73s2/pp-49-50.pdf)
- Validation of Assessment Tools for the Early Detection of Ocular Involvement in Leprosy. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine Vol 10 Supplement 1, November 2019 (https://jnsbm.org/article/1224)
- Management of Ocular Dystopia and Lacrimal Pathway Obstruction in Old Multiple Midfacial fractures: Case Report, Vol 22, 2019. (https://journals.lww.com/njcp/pages/default.aspx )
- Malignant Lymphoma of The Lacrimal Canaliculi: A Rare Case Report. Vol 15 Issue 2, 2020. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348063754_Malignant_Lymphoma_of_The_Canalicular_A_Rare_Case_Report)
- The Importance of Determining a Proper Imaging Modality in Medial Orbital Wall and Blowout Fracture. Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology Vol 36. (1): 87-91, 2020. (https://doi.org/10.36351/pjo.v36i1.983.)
- Five-year survey and management of sports-related eye injuries in Jakarta’s eye hospitals, Vol 7, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijceo.2021.004)
- Orbital Compressed Air and Diesel Explosion Injury Resembling Orbital Cellulitis: An Unusual Case. American Journal of Case Reports Vol 22, 2021. (https://www.amjcaserep.com/abstract/index/idArt/929671 )
- Multiple Approaches for Managing Complex Ophthalmic Blunt Trauma: A Case Report. International Medical Case Reports Journal, 2021. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33833590/ )
- A case report of reconstruction of ocular and complete upper eyelid avulsion with severe facial soft tissue injuries using anterolateral thigh free flap. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, Vol 82 2021. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210261221003588?via%3Dihub )
- Evaluation of 3 and 2 – point internal fixation in the management of zygomaticomaxillary complex fractures: Case report. Annals of Medicine and Surgery Vol 67, 2021. (https://journals.lww.com/annals-of-medicine-and-surgery/Fulltext/2021/07000/Evaluation_of_3_and_2_point_internal_fixation_in.74.aspx )
- Challenging eyelid reconstruction in malignancies: Case reports. Annals of Medicine and Surgery Vol 71, 2021. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2049080121009377?via%3Dihub)
- The application of clinical registries in ophthalmic trauma – the International Globe and Adnexal Trauma Epidemiology Study (IGATES). Graefe’s Archive for Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology, 2021. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00417-021-05493-6)
- Functional activity limitation of leprosy cases in an endemic area in Indonesia and recommendations for integrated participation program in society. Plos Neglected Tropical Disease, 2022. (https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0010646)
- Treatment of Severe Dry Eye in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome with Umbilical Cord Serum Eye Drops. Clinical Ophthalmology Vol 16, 2022. (https://www.dovepress.com/treatment-of-severe-dry-eye-in-stevens-johnson-syndrome-with-umbilical-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-OPTH)
- Predictive value and applicability of ocular trauma scores and pediatric ocular trauma scores in pediatric globe injuries. International Journal of Ophthalmology Vol 15 No.8, 2022. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36017051/)
- Modified tarsorrhapy versus gold weight implant technique for paralytic lagophthalmos treatment in patients with leprosy: One-year observation of a randomized controlled trial study. Frontiers in Medicine, 2023. (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2022.941082/full)