Dr. Riski Prihatningtias, SpM(K)

icon-doctor  Sub Specialist
  • Cataract
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
icon-hospital  Practice Location
  • RS Mata JEC CANDI @ Semarang

Riski Prihatningtias, MD is an ophthalmologist at Candi Eye Center. She received her medical doctor degree from Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro in 2007. She finished ophthalmology specialist at the same university in early 2012. Following her passion towards neuro-ophthalmology, she took fellowship in this field at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gajah Mada, RSUP dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta, under supervision one of best neuro-ophthalmologist in Indonesia, Hartono, MD. She also participates in courses and seminars focusing on neuro-ophthalmology.

Dr. Riski believes that clinical practice, knowledge, and research are inseparable. She has great passion and interest towards ophthalmological research. She presented several case reports, review, and original research  papers in both national and international symposiums.

Her areas of practice include general ophthalmology and neuro-ophthalmology. Dr. Riski encourages that neuro-ophthalmology cases should be get awareness because it can caused not only visual disturbances but also life threatening.


Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro


  • Neuro-ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gajah Mada, RSUP dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta


  • Internal Workshop and Training: Anti-VEGF Injection, PRP laser, LPI, Jakarta Eye Center, 2018


  • Member of Indonesian Ophthalmology Association (PERDAMI)
  • Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IDI)
  • Member of Indonesian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (INANOS)
  • Member of Asian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (ASNOS)

  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro
Publications and Research
