Dr. Referano Agustiawan, SpM(K)

icon-doctor  Sub Specialist
  • Cataract
  • Vitreoretina
icon-hospital  Practice Location
  • RS Mata JEC @ Menteng
  • RS Mata JEC @ Kedoya
  • KUM JEC @ Cinere

Referano Agustiawan, MD, is a full-time ophthalmologist at JEC Eye Hospital. His field of specialization is in vitreoretinal diseases. Dr. Referano completed his basic medical education in 2000, from Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University in Malang. He then took his postgraduate study in ophthalmology at University of Indonesia, Jakarta. From 2004 to 2005, he was continuously being involved in ophthalmology care of patients by joining a community eye health center in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and performed various ocular surgeries and high volume cataract surgeries. He spent a year as an international fellow in vitreoretinal surgery at Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, Mumbai, India in 2008-2009. He is currently served as Director of JEC @ Menteng.

His clinical work includes both medical and surgical retinal diseases, with a large content of age-related macular degeneration, diabetic eye diseases (including complex macular edema and advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy), retinal vascular disorders, retinal detachment including complex proliferative vitreoretinopathy and giant tears, and macular surgery including macular holes and epiretinalmembranes. His practice also includes general ophthalmologic problems, cataract, and retinopathy of prematurity and ocular trauma. Dr. Referano is involved in teaching and training of fellows in vitreoretinal specialty for local and international ophthalmologists at JEC. Due to his notable works, he is also often invited as speaker in many scientific ophthalmology forums in Indonesia. His area of interest for research is in Cataract, Vitreoretinal Surgery, and clinical retina. Therefore, he is one of the best ophthalmologists who will dedicate his skills for a better vision of the patient.


Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia


Fellowship :

  • Longterm Vitreoretina Surgery, fellowship Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital, PVT, LTD, Mumbai

Course :

  • Basic Phacoemulsification, Singapore National Eye Center, Singapore


  • Member of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association [IOA] –  PERDAMI
  • Member of Scientific committee, Indonesian Ophthalmology Association –Jakarta Branch – PERDAMI JAYA
  • Member of Indonesian Medical Association [IMA] – IDI
  • Member of European Society of Retina Specialists [EURETINA]
  • Member of Vitreoretina Society of India [VRSI]

  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
Publications and Research
