Dr. Ni Retno Setyoningrum, SpM (K), MMedEdu

icon-doctor  Sub Specialist
  • Cataract
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
icon-hospital  Practice Location
  • RS Mata JEC @ Menteng
  • RS Mata JEC @ Kedoya

Ni Retno Setyoningrum, SpM (K), MMedEdu, or simply known as Dr. Ning, is one of the trusted ophthalmologists at JEC Eye Hospital. She focuses her clinical work on general ophthalmology, with a sub-specialty in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, simply called with POS). She specializes her practice on all aspects of children's eye cares including squint or crossed eye, regulate medical problems and surgeries, and also making glasses’ prescriptions, while she is also the Head of Children Eye & Squint Clinic (CES Clinic) at JEC @ Kedoya, West Jakarta. 

Dr. Ning’s services include squint eye in children and adults (strabismus), lazy eye (amblyopia), refractive errors with glasses, contact lenses or LASIK, cataract in babies, children and adults, tear duct disorders, double visions (diplopia), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), nystagmus and others. These varied ranges of services that she can handle have led her to be the reason why there is always a long-line of patients to meet her, as well as to be considered as one of the best ophthalmology in town.


Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia


  • Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Program at Jutendo  University

  • Hospital and National Center Children Health & Development,  Tokyo, Japan. 

  • Strabismus Program at Ophthalmology Department, Medical Faculty, Universitas of Indonesia 

  • Cataract surgery and Phacoemulsification program at JEC Eye Hospital  

  • Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery Program at JEC


Member of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association [IOA] – PERDAMI

Member of Indonesian Medical Association [IMA] – IDI

Member of Indonesian Medical Education [PERPIPKI]

Member of American Association of Ophthalmology


Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Publications and Research


JEC Podcast
