Dr. Luh Putu Intan Kartika Chandra Dewi, M.Biomed, SpM
Sub Specialist
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
Practice Location
- JEC BALI @ Denpasar
Dr. Intan has completed her ophthalmology and also Master degree from Udayana University, Bali. Her passion in ophthalmology field allows her to serve with highly dedication and professionalism to patients and also to community.
Dr. Intan as general ophthalmologist performs comprehensive eye examinations, eye treatments, and eye surgical. Her field may include eye infection, refractive errors, cataract, thorough examinations and eye surgery. She went to INACRS phacoemulsifation surgery course at Public Eye Hospital (RSMM) at Surabaya and considers medical field is a long life learning.
- Medical Doctor and Specialist : Udayana University
- Master Of Biomedicine Degree : Udayana University
- Phacoemulsification Surgery Course INACRS, RSMM Surabaya
- Member of Indonesian Ophtalmology Association (IOA)
- Member of Indonesian Medical Association (IMA - IDI)
- Member of Indonesian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery [INASCRS]
- Associate member of Asia Pasific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeon [APACRS]
Publications and Research
- Expression of Cyclooxigenase 2 is associated with Gradation of Primary Pterygium (oral presentation, IOA annual meeting 2014)
- Factors That associated with Visual Outcome Post Cataract Surgery at Sanglah General Hospital