DR. Dr. Laurentius Aswin Pramono, M.Epid, SpPD-KEMD
- Internist
- RS Mata JEC @ Menteng
He is a general internist who practice in Internal Medicine Polyclinic Jakarta Eye Center @ Menteng. He graduated as a Medical Doctor (MD) from Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (2009) and Internal Medicine Specialist (General Internist) from Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (2015). He also graduated as a Master of Epidemiology - Clinical Epidemiologist (M.Epid) from Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (2010). As a physician in internal medicine field, he has a special interest in endocrinology, thyroid, and diabetes.
He was the Runner Up (Second Best) graduate from his faculty in 2009, Runner Up (Second Best) Most Outstanding Student Election in 2007, and he has achieved several research & publication awards and research grants. Majority of his training is in the field of general internal medicine, endocrinology, and diabetes, such as Insulin Therapy Workshops (Basic and Advanced) in Jakarta (2012-2015), Workshop on Thyroid Disease Management and Ultrasound in Bali (2016), and 10th European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy Teaching Course in Munich, Germany (2016).
Some of his researchs and studies are undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in Indonesia, hypothyroidism in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, Graves’ orbitopathy, and diabetic retinopathy. He has published several papers as a first author in the field of internal medicine and epidemiology. In his daily activity, besides clinical practice and writing papers, he also served as an editor in several accredited medical journals, such as Medical Journal of Indonesia, Acta Medica Indonesiana – Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine, and as a chief editor of Farmacia Magazine and Salus Carolus Magazine.
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia
Courses and Workshops:
- Master of Epidemiology (M.Epid), Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (2010)
- International Exchange Clerkship Program (IFMSA) in Department Internal Medicine, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009)
- Basic Insulin Therapy Workshop, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta (2012)
- Advanced Insulin Therapy Workshop, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta (2013)
- Advanced Insulin Therapy Course, PERKENI Jakarta Branch and Division of Metabolic Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta (2015)
- Workshop Laboratory Testing in Endocrinology, Jakarta Endocrine Meeting 2016, PERKENI Jakarta Branch and Division of Metabolic Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Jakarta (2016)
- The 8th Indonesia - International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) Bone Densitometry Course for Clinician and Technologist, Jakarta (2016)
- Workshop on Thyroid Disease Management: Focus on Thyroid Nodule Ultrasound, 33rd World Congress of Internal Medicine (WCIM), Bali (2016)
- Workshop on Hemodynamic Echocardiography Evaluation in Critically Ill Patients, Workshop & Simposium InaEcho, Bandung (2016)
- 10th European Group on Grave’s Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) Teaching Course, Munich, German (2016)
Indonesian Medical Association, Central Jakarta Branch (2016 – now)
Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine, Jakarta Branch (2016 – now)
Asia Pacific Association of Medical Editors (APAME) (2013 – now)
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia