Dr. Hasnah Eka, SpM(K), M.Kes

icon-doctor  Sub Specialist
  • Cataract
  • Cornea
  • Ocular Infection & Immunology
icon-hospital  Practice Location
  • JEC Orbita @ Makassar
  • RS Mata JEC Orbita @ Makassar

Dr. Hasnah, SpM (K), M.Kes, is a consultant in  Cornea and Infection Immunology

Dr. Hasnah, SpM (K), M.Kes, is a member of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (PERDAMI) and has served as secretary of PERDAMI SULSEL (2015-2019).

As a staff at the Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, UNHAS, Infection Immunology division, he has long been involved in education, research and clinical expertise with various operations in the field of infection immunology.

Became the Chairperson of the Makassar Eye Bank and is active in socializing and recruiting Cornea donors in Makassar, and has performed various keratoplasty operations.

An active member of the Indonesian Ocular Infection Immunology Society, and has experience in being a National speaker in Perdami Annual Scientific meetings, INOIIS Meeting, and  local speaker meeting also.


  • General Practitioner : Hasanuddin University
  • Ophthalmologist :  Hasanuddin University
  • Magister Of Health at Hasanuddin University

  • Cornea and Anterior Segment Fellowship, LV Prasad India
  • Phacoemulsification Course of INACRS
  • SICS Course

  • Member of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)
  • Member of Persatuan Dokter Mata Indonesia (PERDAMI)
  • Member of Indonesian Ocular Infection Immunology Society (INOIIS)
  • Member of Bank Mata Makassar
  • Member of Asia Cornea Society (ACS)
  • Member of Indonesian Cataract and Refractive Surgery

  • Scholarship from Asia Cornea Society 2018
  • Scholarship from Lions Club 2014
  • PEER REVIEWER of Jurnal Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
  • Editor team from INOIIS for Buku Covid Perdami
  • Team for PNPK INOIIS
Publications and Research

  • The Effect of Myopia, Age, and Intra-Ocular Pressure on The thickness of Retinal Ganglion Nerve Fibers
  • Marfan's Syndrome
  • Relationship of Using Gadgets With The Event Of Dry Eye In School Children
  • Comparison OF Doxycline and Azytromicin In Blepharitical Patients
  • Comparison of The Use Of Diquafasol And Sodium Hyaluronate In Dry Eye's Patients