Dr. Darmayanti Siswoyo, SpM(K)

icon-doctor  Sub Specialist
  • Cataract
  • Orbital Oculoplastic & Reconstructive
icon-hospital  Practice Location
  • RS Mata JEC @ Menteng
  • RS Mata JEC @ Kedoya

Darmayanti Siswoyo, MD, works as a full-time consultant of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at JEC Eye Hospital. She was used to be the Head of Indonesian Special Interest Group of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive and Eye Tumor Surgery. She was also used of being the Head of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Sub Department, Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Dr. Darmayanti studied at Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. She accomplished her study at Craino Facial Center, Department of Plastic Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia, Department of Ophthalmology Hamamatsu Hospital, and Department of Plastic Surgery, Kansai Medical Faculty, Japan. Due to her involvements and those special accomplishments at various hospitals abroad, she has been known for her special capabilities on eye care with a touch of beauty treatments for that such as plastic surgeries. Therefore, she is also known for her innovative and initiative work in her Ophthalmology.


Faculty of Medicine ,University of Indonesia


  • Craniofacial Surgery, Department of Plastic Surgery at Royal Adelaine Hospital, South Australia

  • Kansai Medical University, Department of Plastic Surgery, Osaka, Japan


Member of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association [IOA] – PERDAMI

Member of Indonesian Medical Association [IMA] – IDI


Faculty of Medicine ,University of Indonesia

Publications and Research
