Dr. Laras Widayanti, SpM

icon-doctor  Sub Spesialis
  • Cataract
  • Cornea
icon-hospital  Lokasi Praktek
  • Candi Eye Center, Semarang
  • JEC CANDI @ Semarang


  • Sarjana Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang (lulus tahun 2008)
  • Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Universitas Diponegoro Semarang (lulus tahun 2010)
  • Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis 1 (PPDS-1) Universitas Diponegoro Semarang (lulus tahun 2018)



  • Pelatihan Program Orientasi Studi dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit bagi Peserta PPDS-1 (Semarang Juli 2014)
  • Simposium dan Didactic Course Update in Neuro-Ophthalmology: Simple and Effective Management in Neuro-Ophthalmology (Semarang, 23 Agustus 2014)
  • SimposiumThe 5th National Glaucoma Meeting (Batu - Malang, 20-21 April 2015)
  • Simposium Wet Lab and Didactic Course Phacoemulsification : Learning the Basic, Achieving the Best (Semarang, 2-3 Mei 2015)
  • Simposium dan Wet Lab The 1st INASOPRS Scientific Meeting A-Z Lacrimal System (Semarang, 10-11 Oktober 2015)
  • Simposium dan Wet Lab The 5th INOIIS Meeting: Update in The Management of External Eye Diseases (Semarang, 9-10 April 2016)
  • Simposium dan Workshop Central Java Ophthalmology Meeting : Vitreoretina Symposium and Workshop for General Ophthalmologist (Semarang, 5-6 November 2016)
  • Simposium dan Workshop The 6th National Glaucoma Meeting: How to Deal with Angle Closure (Semarang, 7-8 April 2017)
  • Simposium 3rd ASEAN Ophthalmology Society Congress (Jakarta, 19 – 21 Juli 2017) 




  • Anggota Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami) cabang Jawa Tengah
  • Anggota Ikatan Alumni FK Undip (IKA Medica)

Publications and Research

  • 2015 Widayanti L, Sadasih W. Timing of Suture Removal in Surgically Induced Astigmatism. (Jakarta)
  • 2017.Widayanti L, Ekowati L. Low Dose Propanolol for the Treatment of Periocular Infantile Hemangioma: a Case Series. (Jakarta)
  • 2018Widayanti L, Cahyono M, Rahmi FL. Effects of Baicalein on Intraocular Pressure and Apoptotic Index of Trabecular Meshwork Cells in Wistar-Rats Glaucoma Model